The Solar Journey

4 Astrology Sessions throughout the Year

During the year, there are 4 important astrological phases of the Sun that can ignite growth and deeper self-awareness. These 4 phases are calculated based on the rotation of the Sun, and how it communicates with your Natal Sun.

We will meet in each one of the 4 phases:
- Your Birthday (Solar Return)
- 3 months after your Birthday (Solar Square)
- 6 months after your Birthday (Solar Opposition)
- 3 months before your upcoming Birthday (Solar Square)

Fee: $720

Includes 4 Astrology Sessions



The Sun is Archetypally symbolic of…

The Heroine / Hero

Sun represents the hero's journey, the courageous quest to discover your true self, overcome challenges, grow, and achieve greatness.

The Creator

Sun embodies the artist, innovator, or visionary. This archetype focuses on the ability to give life to ideas, projects, and creative self-expression.

The Leader

The Leader symbolizes soverenighty, responsibility, and the power to inspire others, representing the Sun’s energy of self-mastery and confidence.

The Divine Child

The Divine Child archetype reflects untapped potential, representing the spark of life, divine willpower, and the journey toward maturity and fulfillment.





Is This Solar Journey for You?

I have designed this program for anyone who is curious about Astrology and wants to dive into the depths of their Natal Chart, beyond their Sun sign. It is perfect for those who prefer the intimacy of a 1-1 setting, as it provides personalized guidance through your astrological wheel, and explores the complexities of your personality. This is an opportunity for self-development via the compass of astrology, and allows you to understand your chart from a soul level.

Everyone has unique challenges and gifts that we can uncover together in this process, ultimately allowing you to work with, and align, your energies to flourish.

Have more questions about Solar Journey?

You can book a 15-minute discovery call with Bruna!

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  • "Doing Solar Journey with Bruna has helped me see myself, recognize my unique gifts, and identify new tools to navigate the world."

    Bailey Johnson, Co-Founder & Coach at Rooted Expansion

  • "I was pleasantly surprised when Bruna insightfully opened up archetypal characteristics of the planetary placements in my chart without it being predictive."

    Nomita Khatri, Graphic Designer & Bio-dynamic Gardener

  • "Most of all, I found this as a great tool to bring home the pieces of me that I always knew but never fully understood."

    Dona Geagea, Early Stage Researcher (Ph.D.) at NEWAVE