New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra

Lilith's Unapologetic Self

The Solar Eclipse in Libra occurs at 10 degrees of Libra on Wednesday, October 2nd at 11:48 am PT. Eclipses are known for highlighting the collective unconscious, which is why this period is historically seen as quite intense, and why we might feel like the world is raging, whether it's through political battles or the force of Mother Nature...

We can often feel overwhelmed or powerless during these times, which is why I find the Astrological compass to be incredibly helpful. This tool reminds us to look within. It reminds us that every cycle is a new opportunity to align more deeply with our inner work. From this place, I believe we can always help humanity evolve.  

When the Sun & Moon are conjunct the South Node in Libra there is work to be done around cleansing outdated patterns. This is a time for endings, releases, and examining what relational dynamics you have outgrown.

Libra is often associated with contracts and agreements, therefore we might be revisiting soul contracts and reworking them to better serve where we are today, and where we wish to direct our gifts. 

The North Node in Aries reminds us that the more integrated Libra is not stuck with indecision, or concerns about accommodating or pleasing others, instead, they can access the multiple sides of a given situation and choose the way.

One of the most powerful archetypes during this Solar Eclipse is the presence of Black Moon Lilith, she is currently located in the exact same degree as the New Moon. Lilith represents the darker, more primal aspects of the feminine archetype. She is symbolic of the primal rawness that lives in each of us, she asks for more balance between the feminine and the masculine and embodies trusting our bodies and instincts. Lilith is unapologetic for who she is.

There is a feminine fierceness about Black Moon Lilith that is shining through the collective. Right now, she cannot be hidden, shunned, or ignored as she has always been. Black Moon Lilith is front and center in the collective, which means that each of our Black Moon Liliths is claiming the sacred space she deserves in our psyche. She is ready to be seen.

Questions to guide you on this Solar Eclipse: 

  • What soul contracts are ready to be rewritten?

  • If your inner Black Moon Lilith could speak to you, what would she say? 

  • Where does your inner Black Moon Lilith want to guide you to? 

There's a new cycle that begins here, today, on this Libran day. 


Full Moon in Aries


Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces