New Moon in Gemini

Mental Metamorphosis 

The Sun and the Moon will be meeting in the sky at 16 degrees of Gemini on Thursday, June 5 at 5:36 am PT. But the Sun and the Moon are not the only planets linking during this New Moon, Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury are also zipping through the early degrees of Gemini bringing much movement and mental stimulation into our lives. 

With 5 planets in Gemini, we might feel a rush of energy for intellectual quests, new conversations, and unexplored perspectives. This is a great time for brainstorming and bridge-building, there's a certain buzz in the air that might be just what the more stagnant parts of our lives need!

Venus, the planet that rules beauty, pleasure, and connection is exactly conjunct with the New Moon, and this is quite the statement because, in soul-centered astrology, Venus is the soul ruler of Gemini. When Venus is in Gemini she has the power to illuminate the mind so that we become more impeccable with our words, form bridges to the mental splits in our society, and help us with more spiritual discernment. 

One significant feature of this Gemini Season is that all of the 5 planets in Gemini (Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, and Moon) made a trine to Pluto at 1 degree of Aquarius as soon as they entered this sign. This can bring about much intellectual depth, creative solutions, and more awareness of humanitarian issues in the collective. 

However, like everything in Astrology (and in Gemini), there's the yin to the yang, the light to the shadow, and we must all pay attention to the areas of our lives where we might feel more restlessness, anxiety, and stress from all the mental activity. We want to be sure that we're not overstimulating our minds without denying our physical bodies and our connection to our root chakra. 

Taurean and Virgoan daily grounding practices that make us feel connected to the earth can be crucial so that we can eventually materialize all of the new ideas pouring forth over the next 10 days. 

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is described as "The Head of a Robust Youth changes into that of a Mature Thinker"

Astrologer Dane Rudhyar explained this energy as "the transformation of physical vitality into the power to build concepts and intellectual formulations through which knowledge can be transferred."

This is a process of Mental Metamorphosis.

Reflections for this New Moon: 
🌑 What creative projects deserve my creative attention? 
🌑 What are the daily physical practices that help me feel more grounded?
🌑 What are the creative circles that stimulate new ideas & perspectives?  

May we all connect to the Venusian power of Gemini as she helps us mature into more integrated thinkers ♊️ 


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