New Moon in Taurus

Emerging Opportunities

On the evening of May 8th, the New Moon will form at 18Β° of Taurus. If you've been closely following April's Astrology, only 2 weeks ago, we experienced one of the most important transits of the year: Jupiter & Uranus conjunction in Taurus. (This same transit will only happen in 83 years).

This New Moon will activate the same area where Jupiter and Uranus met in the sky a few weeks ago, so we're revisiting some of the same themes around our worthiness, our relationship with finances/resources, and how we connect to the absolute truth of beauty internally & externally. 

Themes associated with disrupting your values systems (Uranus in Taurus) and new opportunities in connecting to your worth (Jupiter in Taurus) might be spotlighted for you during this time. 

One of the highlights of this New Moon is the role of Venus. The Sun & the Moon will be conjunct Venus, the ruler of Taurus. When Venus and Jupiter in Taurus are activated, these two planets have a natural mastery for attracting abundance and pleasurable experiences into our lives. At the same time, it's also important to remember that Venus & Jupiter can become "too idealistic" or under the spell of materialism and glamour. It is so important to stay grounded, present, and embodied.

The New Moon is also almost a perfect sextile to Saturn at 17Β° of Pisces, creating an important building block for our dreams, visions, and intuitive creative expressions that we've been visualizing since March of 2023. The key element to note here is that Saturn and the energy of Taurus tell us that this will take time through a series of committed steps.

One of the synchronicities of this New Moon is that it is happening at the same degree as the conjunction between Uranus, Mars, and the North Node that occurred in July/August 2023. Astrologer Dane Rudhyar describes this degree with the Sabian symbol of "A NEW CONTINENT RISING OUT OF THE OCEAN" of pure receptivity to allow spiritual breakthroughs to flow through!

Questions to reflect on during this New Moon: 

  • What visions have been alive for you since March of 2023 that you're ready to materialize? Taurus says to simply focus on the next step.

  • When you meditate on the imagery of a new continent rising out of the ocean, what do you see rising for yourself? 

  • What opportunities are already here for you and are waiting for you to embody them?


Full Moon in Sagittarius


Full Moon in Scorpio