Full Moon in Gemini

Boundless Curiosity

The final Full Moon of 2024 will occur on Sunday, December 15 at 1:01 am PT at 23 degrees of Gemini (Moon) and 23 degrees of Sagittarius (Sun). Gemini, the sign of the twins, calls us to embrace both sides of the issue and to seek a balance between logic and intuition, facts and feelings. Gemini is the mutable air that helps Sagittarius open their mind and be more inclusive of others’ perspectives. Gemini helps us connect threads and build new bridges. 

Only 8 degrees from the Moon in Gemini, we will find Jupiter! Today, I could see Jupiter with my bare eyes glowing in all its glory in the sky right next to the Moon. Jupiter in Gemini reminds us of our boundless curiosity, asks us to be more flexible with our beliefs, and honors the lifelong student that pulsates in us. Jupiter has been in the sign of Gemini since the end of May of 2024, so in many ways, we’ve already been working this force, but this Full Moon can illuminate more truths and a larger mental process that we’ve been working with for months. 

About 12 hours after the Full Moon forms, Mercury will station direct at 6 degrees of Sagittarius. We might begin to feel the path opening up for us with more clarity and precision...

However, not so fast! On this Full Moon, Neptune in Pisces will be squaring the Full Moon, and as a result, we might be feeling tensions between what is truth and what is illusion. Neptune also asks us to move slowly and connect to our intuition. This is not the time to rush into things...especially since Mars is still retrograde in opposition to Pluto!

Here are some reflections to guide you on this Full Moon...
- In what ways can you invite more flexibility into your life? 
- What conversation wants to happen that could bring you much healing? 
- How can you stay curious and playful even in challenging moments?

May Gemini’s mutability inspire us toward more engaging dialogues with our loved ones, neighbors, and local community. 




New Moon in Sagittarius