A Time for Renewal
On Saturday, December 21st at 1:21 am PT, the Sun moves into Capricorn, this time is also known as the Solstice. In Latin, the word Solstice means sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still), indicating the Sun's apparent pause in its journey before reversing direction.
If you're in the Northern Hemisphere, this will be your Winter Solstice marking the shortest day of the year. If you're in the Southern Hemisphere, this will be your Summer Solstice marking the longest day of the year.
Wherever we are in the world, the stillness that we find during the Solstice can be a great opportunity to pause and reflect on what we have built this past year.
One of the most meaningful astrological signatures of this Solstice is that the Sun at 0° of Capricorn is squaring the Nodes of Fate at 2° of Aries and 2° of Libra. which applies a sense of responsibility, commitment, and purpose to what you need to evolve and do differently going forward.
The Nodes have been in the Aries-Libra axis since July of 2023, and they will be moving into new signs of Pisces-Virgo on January 11th of 2025, therefore we only have a few weeks to complete our lessons from Aries-Libra.
Questions to reflect on this Solstice stillness:
How have you embraced more courage, independence, and initiative this past year?
What outdated patterns were revealed to you through your relationships that you're not carrying with you?
What qualities from the Aries archetype are you taking with you in 2025?
May we find the time to renew our energies for the new year ahead.